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Why Laundry SOAP


Many people go straight to the Big Detergent brand names when they need their cleaning fix. Unfortunately, they have no idea how nasty those products really are for your clothes and your largest organ…skin. Turns out, your clothes are generally worse off after being washed with laundry detergent than they were before, and we ain’t lyin’. Here’s why.

Big detergents contain phosphates, petroleum distillates, phenols, ethanol, pthalates, sodium lauryl sulfates and on and on and on…

We thought we would zum up a few of the nastiest words on this list so that next time you will be able to make an informed decision when it comes to how you treat your clothing, your bod and our BFF Mother Nature.

Dirty word #1: Phosphates

Phosphates are a family of chemicals used in products varying from toothpaste to fertilizer. The main purpose of phosphate use in detergents is to form soluble and strong complexes with magnesium and calcium ions to create “hard water,” that is supposedly better for washing. However, after each wash the contaminated water is released into the environment and stimulates growth in certain marine plants, contributing to an unbalanced ecosystem.

Dirty word #2: Petroleum Distillates

These chemicals are petroleum bi-products linked to health risks such as cancer, lung damage and damage to mucus membranes. When clothes are washed with this product it remains in the clothes and is able to be absorbed by your skin or evaporated into the air and inhaled.

Dirty word #3: Parabens

Parabens are chemicals used as a preservative in many shampoos, soaps, laundry detergents and moisturizers. They are man-made, inexpensive and very easy to manufacture, so most companies compromise the integrity of their products for a cheap way to give them a longer shelf life.

Dirty word #4: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

SLS is a chemical used as a foaming agent in most soaps, shampoos, toothpastes and detergents. Studies have shown that even concentrations as small as 0.05% can cause irritation. Higher concentrations caused skin corrosion and severe irritation…yuck! While this chemical is used in most cosmetic products, it is also used to degrease engines. In the same way that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate degreases the engines of cars, it dries up the naturally occurring (and healthy) oil on our skin.

We met one-on-one with Mother Nature herself and came up with a solution. Laundry soap made with natural ingredients cleans clothes and softens fabric without those dirty ingredients.

Zum Laundry Soap is made with coconut oil soap and essential oils. The natural ingredients like vegetable glycerin will cling to dirt and remove those pesky stains, while the coconut oil will keep clothes feeling super soft. Baking soda removes the unpleasant odors.

I’m sure you’re feeling a little irked by what you’ve just learned, and even more antsy to go out and get yourself some handmade, healthy and clean-conscience laundry soap. Go get ‘em, tiger!


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